- Bonrix SMPP Gateway is a J2EE web application.
- It supports SMPPv3.3 and SMPPv3.4
- Clients can connect to it by TCP-IP or can directly do request to an HTTP API.
- It has Administrative web interface to manage users and SMS termination settings.
- We can allow users to have credit and validity based or TPS(Transaction Per Second) access to the gateway.
- It has three types of SMS termination mechanism
1) Drop SMS to our predefined directories.
2) Submit SMS to high performance messaging server [Apache Active MQ Server 5.x(Free software)]
3) Directly forward SMS to third party HTTP API.
- In backend for storing information it uses MySQL and Mongo DB as database servers. Both are freely available.
- It can be deployed on any java application server.
For ex: Apache Tomcat , Jetty, JBoss, etc.